A radio vet whose career started in 1984 with a show at KPFK FM titled “Talking Book” for children, Isidra started in 1986 at KACE, where she was news and public affairs director. She has interviewed a wide range of notables. The highlight of her career was that she happened to be on the air to broadcast live the release of Nelson Mandela shortly after 6 a.m. during her show, Sunday Morning Live. In the early 2000’s, Isidra served as vacation fill-in for Jacquie Stephens at KJLH and hosted numerous newscasts, shows, community forums and political debates.
She started a podcast series “My World Podcast” but since the advent of You Tube, she discontinued the podcast, preferring to upload her stories directly to her audience. That is when she began to exand her audio podcasts to video podcasts exclusively. http://www.youtube.com/myworldpodcast
Isidra uploads audio interviews at Blog Talk Radio. They are archived there for your convenience! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/isidra
She hosts other interviews at SoundCloud. Check them out here. http://soundcloud.com/user3364893